Case Study

Business Overview

Don Basilico, based in Kirkcaldy and founded by Massimo Panarella, offers authentic Italian pizza. Inspired by his family’s trattoria in Milan, Massimo started his business in April 2023, alongside his 22-year-old son Michael. He began with a small, rented, vintage-style food truck, where he handcrafted all the pizzas. From day one, there was immediate success, with a long queue of hungry customers. Massimo’s passion for authentic Italian cuisine and his desire to bring a taste of his family’s traditions to Kirkcaldy drove the establishment of his business.

Securing business Loan from DSL Business Finance

Despite the initial success, Massimo quickly realised that to keep up the momentum and grow his business, he needed to do more. The small rented food truck he was using wasn’t enough to meet the growing demand and expand his menu offerings. He needed money to buy his own food truck, expand his menu, and hire extra staff to meet the rising demand. Therefore, he approached DSL Business Finance, a Business Support Partner of the British Business Bank’s Start Up Loans programme.

DSL specialises in providing business loans for startups and existing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland. A dedicated loan officer from DSL, based in Dundee, worked closely with him on his loan application. He was successful in obtaining business loan of £25k. The support provided by DSL Business Finance were instrumental in facilitating Don Basilico’s expansion in purchasing his own food truck. This allowed him to broaden his menu offerings and hire additional staff to meet growing demand, including introducing home delivery service.

Key Success Factors of successful loan application

Massimo’s journey underscores several key factors contributing to the successful acquisition of a business loan:

  • Unique Selling Point: Offering authentic Italian pizzas distinguished Don Basilico in the market.
  • Demonstrated Market Traction and viability: Massimo’s ability to quickly gain popularity and momentum with his food truck business indicated a strong market demand for his offerings. This demonstrated traction played a crucial role in convincing DSL of the viability and potential for growth of Don Basilico.
  • Commitment: Massimo’s transition from evening-only operations to serving lunch and eventually leaving his full-time job to focus on Don Basilico showcases strategic planning, adaptability and his commitment.
  • Passion: Massimo’s love for his business was clear and helped DSL believe in his business proposition.
  • Vision for Growth: Massimo’s plans for further expansion, including hiring additional staff and exploring delivery services, showed a clear vision for the future of Don Basilico.


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