Case Study

Mollie Powney, a qualified personal trainer, identified a crucial gap in health and wellbeing services for individuals suffering from long-term neurological or chronic conditions in Elgin and surrounding areas. Project Neuro was born out of Mollie’s passion to provide a private facility catering specifically to this group. Despite little advertising, the business quickly gained popularity, highlighting the pressing need for such services in the community.

Mollie approached DSL Business Finance for a loan to create a gym-like atmosphere and ensure accessibility for everyone, regardless of their abilities. DSL’s Loan Officer, Murray Marshall assessed the business proposition and recognised that Mollie’s qualifications allow her to offer specialised services not readily available through the NHS, creating a unique value proposition. Mollie’s pragmatic approach and realistic timelines for income maximisation, all while balancing her personal training work, further demonstrated her dedication. She is well connected locally and clearly has a fantastic rapport with her clients of all ages and abilities. DSL saw the value in Project Neuro as a unique solution to unmet healthcare needs in the community. The loan provided not only enabled upgrades to the facility but also acquisition of essential equipment.

Project Neuro’s success goes beyond business; it serves as a vital resource for those with unmet healthcare needs. Looking ahead, Mollie aims to expand the project into Inverness and other areas, not only creating job opportunities but also bringing her innovative approach to a wider audience.

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